Cat rejects 124-year old patent, settles age-old debate on how toilet paper should sit.

By Shiva Kumeow

There comes a point in every household with 2 or more humans co-existing, when the way the toilet paper should sit becomes a point of contention. Civil discussions have turned into arguments and sometime ended in fist fights, over whether the toilet paper should sit ‘under’ or ‘over’ the roll.

The daily mail went to great lengths to put this to rest, even unearthing a 124-year old patented diagram by New York businessman Seth Wheeler that asserts that the toilet paper must sit ‘over’ and roll out from the front.

( credit: )

Willie the Cat, however, ain’t gonna have none of this. According to him, the toilet paper must sit ‘under’ and roll out from the back.

His humans had it wrong all along, so Willie decided enough is enough.

Watch what Willie the cat does to settle this age-old toilet-paper debate once and for all.

ROFL! I’m dying!!

Thank you Willie, for showing us how it’s done!