[NO SPOILER] Sitting On The Iron Throne, Is This The One True King Of Westeros?

By Shiva Kumeow

Now that HBO’s popular Series Game of Thrones is in it’s 6th season, it is time to once again speculate on ….

Who is going to be sitting on the Iron Throne.

who is the true king of westeros game of thrones season 6 iron throne ( fanpop.com )

Season 5 didn’t feature the Iron Throne at all, but we got a sneak peak into Season 6, on who might become the one true King of Westeros, and sit majestically on the Iron Throne!

All hail His Grace, Ser Meows of House of Meows, First of His Name, King of the Domestics and the First Cats, Lord of the Seven Gardens, and Stalker of the Realm.

who is the true king of westeros game of thrones season 6 iron throne ( imgur / jukub )