Introducing #Fatterday - The Day After #Caturday For Fat Cats Only

By Shiva Kumeow

Caturday is celebrated around the world every Saturday, as the day of the Cats. I knew that for a long time. But today, I’ve decided to declare another day for Cats.

It’s called #Fatterday and it is Celebrated every Sunday, the day after #Caturday

Fatterday will feature every overweight / “fat cat” who is not ashamed of being fat and openly and proudly flaunts it!

Here are the 2 cats I found this Sunday, that inspired me to do this.

This guy is too fat to reach up and spit-shine his belly. So he gives up!

what is fatterday cats being fat and loving it

This guy laying it all out there, enjoying the summer time sun!